
24 - February - 2022

UAE chapter of Association of Vidya Alumni organizes football tournament

UAE chapter of Association of Vidya Alumni organizes football tournament

Author: Arun KL

The UAE chapter of the Association of Vidya Alumni (AVA), as part of the Engineering Premier League, organized a football tournament christened VKICK 3.0...

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Vidya gets appreciation certificates from Water Resources Department

Vidya gets appreciation certificates from Water Resources Department

Author: Dr. C. Justine Jose

Vidya students and staff members involved in the Karuvannur river project  received an appreciation certificate from the Govt authorities for their committed …

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Recent appearances of Vidya in the media

Recent appearances of Vidya in the media

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

Electronic media ...

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Vidya's "Career Guru" Alex Chacko talks to students of St Thomas HSS, Vallachira

Vidya's "Career Guru" Alex Chacko talks to students of St Thomas HSS, Vallachira

Author: Dr. Deepa Mohan

Mr Alex Chacko C (AP, ME Dept), Coordinator of Vidya …

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PE Dept bids farewell to Dr Suneesh

PE Dept bids farewell to Dr Suneesh

Author: Webadmin

The PE Dept organised a small programme to bid farewell to Dr Suneesh E, Assistant Professor of PE Department. The farewell was arranged in PE Staff Room on 18 February 2022. Dr Suneesh joined Vidya on 16 July 2014...

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Vidya Student Senate office bearers to swear in on 4th March

Vidya Student Senate office bearers to swear in on 4th March

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

As directed by APJAKTU, the election of office bearers of the College Senate/Union for the academic year 2021-22 was conducted in the College on 10 January 2022…

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S3 M Tech CSE students complete Coursera course on R language

S3 M Tech CSE students complete Coursera course on R language

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

Nine students of S3 M Tech CSE have successfully completed an online course on  “R Programming” authorized by Johns Hopkins University and …

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CE HoD serves as resource person in ATAL Academy FDP held in Vidya

CE HoD serves as resource person in ATAL Academy FDP held in Vidya

Author: Dr. C. Justine Jose

Here is a piece of news that is slightly old nevertheless interesting. Dr C Justine Jose (Prof and Head, CE Dept) served as a resource person in the AICTE...

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